Hello everyone!
I know you have waited a long time, but hold on to your seats a little bit longer (week or two) cause Meseasons is coming to Minecraft version 1.18!!!
I do plan on releasing a version for 1.17 just to fill in the gap, but with 1.19 on the way I have prioritized releasing for 1.18 first.
What to expect with 1.18:
Seasons for the new plants like Azalea bushes/leaves
Cave vines
Drip leaves
Ect ect
Also with Meseasons 1.18:
More flower variants for Lilac, Rose bushes, peonies, Sunflowers, Lily of the valley and corn flower
Sugar variants
More vine variants
Bug fixes, texture fixes and reworks
As well expect the addons and solo seasons to be updated as well along side the core pack!
